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Which Is The Best Hawaiian Island For Kids and Families in 2023

  • আপডেট সময় রবিবার, ৬ আগস্ট, ২০২৩

Planning a vacation to Hawaii and deciding which is the best Hawaiian island for kids and families? We visit Hawaii every year and have been to all four of the main Hawaiian islands.

While each can be argued as the best Hawaiian island for kids – depending on the activities you want to do – it can be hard to decide which island or two to visit. Because they are really quite distinct.

When we visited Hawaii, we loved all of the islands as they are some of the best places to experience the natural beauty here and spend time with family. They are all special in their own way, with that true spirit of Aloha. Each has offered something different to do with kids. Now all of the Hawaiian islands are family-friendly, so you don’t need to worry about that.

But, deciding which island in Hawaii is best to take kids and which is best for your family will depend on your preferences and what you like to do. Sometimes you can find family holiday packages to Hawaii. So you may be able to visit more than one island on your family’s Hawaiian vacation.

No matter which island in Hawaii you visit, this overview will give you some ideas about what each island is like and what to do with kids on the island. And hopefully, will help you decide which is the best island in Hawaii for your family.

Plus, Hawaii travel with kids can be stressful, so this post has some great tips and resources to help you plan your vacation.

Which Is The Best Hawaiian Island For A Family Vacation

map of Hawaii
Map of Hawaii to help you decide which is the best island in Hawaii for kids in your family. | Photo credit: @ pavalena by depositphotos.com

Hawaii has six major islands that can be visited, though most people are familiar with four of them. Oahu, Maui, Kaua’i, and the island of Hawaii (the Big Island) are most commonly visited.

All four can claim to be the best Hawaiian island for kids and families, but some are better at certain ages. And which Hawaiian Island is best with kids really depends on your kids, their interests, and their activity level. Hawaii travel with kids requires you to consider all of these things to make the most of your vacation.

And did you know that you can also visit Molokai and Lanai?

Each Hawaiian Island Is Unique

Each Hawaiian island has a unique personality and feel to it, with a wide variety of experiences that differ from each other. And each one has its’ own special Aloha, with unique activities and sights.

Each Hawaiian Island Has Epic Beaches

I am often asked which Hawaiian island has the best beach for families. Each island has great beaches, but some are better for toddlers to splash in, some are better for snorkeling, and some are better for surfing. Though Lanikai Beach on Oahu is often listed as the best beach in Hawaii for families because of its calm, blue waters and gorgeous scenery.

How To Choose The Best Hawaiian Island With Kids

It’s just a matter of finding the best Hawaiian Island for kids and your family that fits your needs.

So, if you are wondering what are the best things to do in Hawaii with kids – and where to find kid-friendly resorts in Hawaii – this list is for you! Let’s look at each to help you find which Hawaiian island is best to visit for your family!

The Best Hawaiian Island For Families: Which is Best for YOUR family?

Oahu is our favorite Hawaiian island for kids because there is so much to do there! Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head, Oahu | photo credit: Okimo from Getty Images via Canva


It is one of the more crowded islands, home to Honolulu and Waikiki. Many people from all over the world like visiting Oahu each year, and in fact, it is the most visited and best Hawaiian island for many families. And traffic can be a very big challenge (think Boston, Los Angeles, New York-type traffic) when traveling for activities.

And it is home to one of the most famous and important monuments, Pearl Harbor. I definitely suggest you visit Pearl Harbor if you’ve never been, as its historical importance to our country is huge. That’s where you can see the USS Arizona Memorial, which was one of the aircraft carriers bombed during WWII. It also hosts one of my favorite activities, the Polynesian Cultural Center.

One of the things that makes Ohau special is its famous surfing spots, especially on the North Shore. For this reason, be sure to visit this island if you are interested in watching surfers or seeing where many of the greats hang out.

Winter is often when the biggest waves come to Oahu, and it is one of the best times to catch a glimpse of some of the biggest and best surfers in the world on the North Shore. In summer, many of these kid-friendly beaches are calm enough for swimming.


Kaua’i is called “The Garden Isle” and is considered the best Hawaiian island to visit with kids ages five and up. It is one of the quieter, more laid-back, and more remote islands.  For families looking for which Hawaiian island is least crowded, of the four major islands, Kaua’i is the least crowded island.

It could be considered the best Hawaiian island for families with kids over age five who love nature and outdoor activities, and it is great for family travel.  Our family loved this island which is the best Hawaiian island for kids and any family who loves outdoor adventures on vacation.

When you’re doing Hawaii travel with kids, here are some of the best things to do in Kauai with kids and the best kid-friendly resorts.


Maui, called “The Valley Isle”, is our family’s favorite island. While many think of Maui as better for honeymooners, I couldn’t disagree more. It is, in my opinion, the best Hawaiian island for families and the one we continue to return to year after year.

There is a reason Hawaiians say, “Maui nō ka ‘oi.” It means, “Maui is the best.”  It certainly is a favorite Hawaiian island for kids under age five, as there are lots of things to do with toddlers on Maui.

A perfect blend of the solitude of Kauai and the vibrancy of Oahu, without so much traffic, it is a great Hawaiian island for kids. Whenever we do Hawaii travel with kids, the island vibe is definitely something we consider.

aged kids.  Waipio valley lookout on Hawaii’s Big Island. Photo credit: @ Vacclav | depositphotos.com

Island of Hawaii (The Big Island)

When thinking about which Hawaiian island is best to visit for your family, don’t overlook The Big Island of Hawaii. The Island of Hawaii gets its nickname “The Big Island” because it is bigger than all of the other islands combined.

It is very unique and beautiful. And it is really quite educational and a great place to learn about the history and culture of Hawaii.  Visiting The Big Island should certainly be on your Hawaii bucket list.

The Big Island is a true testament to the incredible power of mother nature. Its varied terrain, volcanic rock landscapes, and of course, its very active volcano really showcase what nature can do!


Not far from Maui, Molokai is another one of the best islands in Hawaii to visit with kids, particularly older elementary and teens.  It’s called “the friendly island,” and for good reason.  It’s where the spirit of Aloha is a way of life, and that’s huge for Hawaii travel with kids as we like to immerse ourselves in the culture of every area we visit.

While you can stay on Molokai and there are many activities, often tourists visit it as a day trip from Maui. It is the best island in Hawaii to visit with kids if they prefer – and can enjoy – a quieter island.

very natural Hawaiian island with towering cliffs, rainforests, and quiet simplicity, Molokai also has beautiful beaches (though some can be dangerous when the surf is up). You can also enjoy hiking, traditional, and some unique activities found just on this island.

It is also a place where you will find “old Hawaii,” small family businesses, and a quieter way of life.

Here are some fun things to do on Molokai with kids.


Lanai is the smallest of the inhabited Hawaii islands, and it is only nine miles from Maui. The island can be enjoyed as a day trip or as a place to spend a longer Hawaiian vacation. When we first decided on Hawaii travel with kids, we decided we would occasionally take a longer trip to spend some time on Lanai.

A former pineapple plantation, Lanai is known as the “pineapple island” because it once produced two-thirds of the world’s pineapples!

It ranges from pure luxury to rugged nature so there are people that think it is the best Hawaiian island for families who love a more secluded, adventurous dream vacation (or a bit of luxury.) There are no stoplights on the island, so it is quite a remote experience.

It is also home to two incredible golf courses, including the Manele golf course, which has three holes built on the seaside cliffs.

And, while some of the adventures on the island might be a bit rough for preschoolers, Lanai is still the best Hawaiian island for kids who want to experience a quiet, natural family experience. Renting a four-wheel drive vehicle is helpful for getting around the island

Getting To Hawaii

Getting to Hawaii isn’t the most challenging part of Hawaii travel with kids as there are many flights from the mainland USA to Hawaii.  Sometimes you need to fly first into Oahu and connect via an inter-island flight.  There are lots of inter-island flights connecting the islands, so if you island hop, this is easy to do.


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