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USA DV LOTTERY 2024 – USA Green Card

  • আপডেট সময় সোমবার, ১৭ এপ্রিল, ২০২৩

USA DV LOTTERY 2024 VISA LOTTERY APPLICATION PROCESS: The DV Lottery is an annual event that offers people from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States a chance to win a visa. The application process is simple, and all you need to do is complete the online form. You will need to provide your name, date of birth, country of origin, and email address. You will also need to choose a region or country in the United States where you would like to live.

The US government issues 55,000 positive identifications per year through the USA Green Card Lottery. People who want to live in the United States are randomly chosen within this number of positive identifications.

Have you ever dreamed of living and working in the US? If so, you could be one of the lucky few who win the diversity visa lottery. The diversity visa program allows people from countries with low rates of immigration to America to apply for a green card. The US government randomly selects about 50,000 people each year in this process. It is not easy to get selected, because only a limited number of immigrant visas are available each year. You must be selected within this lottery.

USA DV LOTTERY: Your dream country is the USA? Do you want to go to America and work there? Then you are in the right place. There is two way to make the move: a high standard of living, increased status, and a better pay scale.


Before any applicant can enter the DV-2024 lottery, they must first change their citizenship. The only way to enter is to change your citizenship to a country with a low US immigration rate. If you were born in a country with a high US immigration rate, you will be excluded from the lottery. Below may be a list that details the countries whose natives are currently excluded from participating in the positive identification Lottery.

US Government Green Card Lottery | Green Card

The US government’s positive identification Lottery may be a program that was created by the United States with the aim of issuing visas to immigrants that reside in countries that have but 55,000 immigrants coming to the US within five years. The positive identification Lottery is obtainable per annum by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services USCIS.

See Also  Denmark Green Card

When can you apply for the Green Card Lottery?

The United States offers a lottery for people to win permanent resident status. Unfortunately, demand is much higher than supply. If you are not a spouse or child of a U.S. citizen or a highly skilled worker, you are out of luck. The lottery may be the only way for you to immigrate, but it is not a sure thing.

Bd People click here for Green Card Lottery

Green Card

DV 2024 Lottery Apply from here: dvprogram

Check if you qualify

Do you qualify to enter the American DV-2024 Diversity Visa Green Card Lottery?

  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • China (mainland only)
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland)
  • Guatemala
  • Haiti
  • Bangladesh
  • India
  • Jamaica
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • Mexico
  • Pakistan
  • Nigeria
  • South Korea
  • Canada

Finally Afghanistan people are able to apply for the USA DV program!

History of the DV Program

The famous immigrant visa was first introduced in the 1940s as the “Alien Registration Receipt Card”. the primary of those MasterCard-sized IDs bore green writing and a greenish photo. Thus, the expression “Green Card” was coined and quickly became common. Meanwhile, a positive identification has changed its color several times. For a short time, it had even been pink since 1999 a light-weight green shade is employed again. quite 10 million foreigners are currently living within the USA with positive identification.

How Can a Bangladeshi Citizen Apply For USA DV Lottery 2024?

In the positive identification Program of 2024, Bangladeshi citizens can’t apply for DV Lottery. But only people can apply whose spouse lives within the eligible country. USA DV Visa For Bangladesh. have you ever been born in a country where the first citizens were ineligible, but where none of your parents were born or lived legally at the time of your birth? If yes, you’ll claim the country of birth of 1 of your parents if it’s rustic where its local citizens are eligible for the DV-2024 program. Bangladeshi Citizen Can Apply From here.

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