বুধবার, ১২ মার্চ ২০২৫, ১০:২১ পূর্বাহ্ন

UAE’s Multi-Entry Visa 2025: Your Ultimate Guide to Application and Benefits

  • আপডেট সময় বুধবার, ৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫

The United Arab Emirates time introduces a new visa with multiple entries on his/its veritable table in 2025. By further easing the rules to allow for closer circulation between UAE residents and snowbirds visiting, it maintains the country’s dedication to safeguarding personal relations and fostering a greater tourism market.

Key Features of the 2025 Multi-Entry Visit Visa

among others, vacationers allowed under this new visa, not held to strict restrictions of the old regime, have a maximum 90 days to visit and another 90 days, for a total of 180 days, under a visa per year. While it was named a multi-entry visa in the past regime, even now a tourist may not need to present a formal sponsor in the UAE; only a mention of any such relative for whom to be allowed is enough.

Application Process

Information regarding application for the multi-entry visit visa is available on the official e-visa portal in the UAE. Also present are numerous authorized typing centers taking up multiple responsibilities of informing the applicant and citing the process in a step-by-step manner. One can apply for the visa in any linguistic choice and thereafter with every nationality upon present relatives or friends in the UAE.

Information regarding application for the multi-entry visit visa is available on the official e-visa portal in the UAE. Also present are numerous authorized typing centers taking up multiple responsibilities of informing the applicant and citing the process in a step-by-step manner. One can apply for the visa in any linguistic choice and thereafter with every nationality upon present relatives or friends in the UAE.

Benefits of the New Visa

Several advantages are conferred where the above visa becomes applicable as it aims to suit visitors intending to be in the UAE to hail a cosy number of private society members. An extended stay visa means more holiday dates for those coming together with families and friends, without having to apply for visas, time and time again. And, there is yet another troubling aspect: how easily this visa can be obtained, no sponsor required.


The 2025 multi-entry visa introduction of the UAE is surely a crucial first step in enhancing the country’s appeal as a major destination of family bonding and tourism. Through its increased flexibility, the visa active assistance-centric flexibility and simplification in the given visa application process further confirm the fact that the country is actually prepared to cultivate strong personal relationships and receive visitors from around the world.

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