রবিবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৪:৩২ অপরাহ্ন

Europe experiences the hottest summer yet

  • আপডেট সময় শনিবার, ৫ আগস্ট, ২০২৩

Europe is currently experiencing heat waves like never before. The entire continent is going through its worst summer ever, because of the Cerberus heatwave. Named after a three-headed dog from Greek mythology, Cerberus is the reason that land surface temperatures in Rome, Italy, have already touched 46°C.

It seems like the heat trauma is not going to end anytime soon as the continent is now gearing up for the second heatwave, called Charon (also named the ferryman of the dead on River Styx in Greek mythology). This heat wave is expected to exceed the hottest temperature ever recorded in Europe.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has predicted that the continent can record its hottest temperatures ever this month! With the new upcoming heatwaves, it’s possible that the numbers could cross 2021’s record-breaking temperature of 48°C reported in Sicily (Italy). Not only this, the heat conditions are only going to worsen in France, Italy, Germany and Poland in the coming days.

Red Alert

As of now, there are 16 cities in Italy, including Florence and Palermo, on red alert because of extreme temperatures and heat waves.

On the other hand, the famous Acropolis in Greece has already been shut down. Only air-conditioned public spaces are open for tourists. Also, Spain’s land temperature has already reached 60°C, because of which over 4000 people have been evacuated as wildfires have spread through La Palma.

A number of tourists have been fainting in the European region because of damaging heat waves. In Milan (Italy), a middle-aged road worker died due to intense heat. As of now, Europe is going through a harsh Charon heat storm and these waves are expected to be in the Mediterranean region by July-end.

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