সোমবার, ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০১:০৭ অপরাহ্ন

ইতালির সরকারী স্কলারশিপ, বিনা খরচে উচ্চশিক্ষা, মিলবে ভাতা ও ইন্সুরেন্স

  • আপডেট সময় শনিবার, ২৭ মে, ২০২৩

Masters/PhD Degrees

Deadline: 9 June 2023 (annual)
Study in: Italy
Course starts AY 2023/2024

Brief description:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens not residing in Italy and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)* for the academic year 2023-2024 in order to foster international cultural, scientific and technological cooperation, to promote Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (According to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions).

Grants are offered to pursue study, training, and/or research programs at Italian Higher Education Institutes, both public and legally recognized.

Host Institution(s):

Italian Higher Education Institutes

Level/Field(s) of Study:

Eligible Master’s Degree (Laurea Magistrale 2° ciclo), Courses of Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM), PhD program, Research under academic supervision (Progetti in co-tutela), and Italian Language and Culture Courses

Target Group:

Students from eligible foreign countries

Scholarship value/duration:

Tuition Fees
Grantees may be exempted from the payment of enrollment and tuition fees depending on the policy of each University. Exemption is not granted for courses in Italian language and culture, for which enrollment fees are due.

Health and Medical Insurance
Grantees will be covered by a health and medical/accident insurance contracted by MAECI for the entire duration of the grant. Insurance coverage will not apply to events derived from pre-existing physical and pathological conditions.

Financial Grant
Grantees will receive a monthly allowance of 900 Euros on a quarterly basis, which will be paid on their Italian bank account.

The scholarship duration can six or nine months depending on the

ype of course. Renewals are granted only to applicants who prove satisfactory academic progress.


Academic qualifications
Applications must only be submitted by foreign students not residing in Italy and by Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)* holding an appropriate academic qualification required to enroll to the Italian University/Institute. See this link for more information.

Age limits
Applicants for Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programmes/Italian Language and Culture advanced Courses should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of 28 years by the deadline of this call (born after June 9th 1994), with the sole  exception of renewals.

Applicants for PhD Programmes should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of 30 years by the deadline of this call (born after June 9th 1992), with the sole exception of renewals.

Applicants for Research Projects under academic supervision should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of 40 years by the deadline of this call (born after June 9th 1982).

Language skills and proficiency

In order to enroll in an English-taught course,  applicants must provide a language certificate of their proficiency in English Language. The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). A self-certification may be accepted for candidates from countries where English is an official language and who are applying for courses held entirely in English. Proof of proficiency in Italian is not required for courses entirely taught in English.

For Italian language and culture courses, applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian language. The minimum level required is A2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

For PhD programs and Research projects under academic supervision, no proof of language proficiency is required for PhD programs and Research under academic supervision.

Application Instructions:

Applicants must complete and submit the online application form available upon registration at the official website. Applications must be submitted by 2 pm (Central European Time), 9 June 2023.

It is important the read the 2023/2024 Call for Applications and visit the official website to access the online application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website: https://studyinitaly.esteri.it/en/call-for-procedure

শেয়ার করুন

এ জাতীয় আরো খবর

ভ্রমন সম্পর্কিত সকল নিউজ এবং সব ধরনের তথ্য সবার আগে পেতে, আমাদের সাথে থাকুন এবং আমাদেরকে ফলো করে রাখুন।

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